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Frankston Computer Care
0448 525 905
MSPs, IT Businesses & Service Providers

Whether you're looking to explore new and untapped markets or facing challenges in your current business landscape, allow us to assist you. We offer competitive rates and high quality solutions tailored to your needs, including special rates for MSPs, IT Businesses, Tech Companies & Service Providers.


Overwhelmed with Work? Let Us Help!

There's nothing more detrimental than turning away potential business or losing opportunities due to resource constraints. Our services encompass hardware repairs, software troubleshooting, network setup, and more. Give us a call or e-mail and discover how our expert support can help you achieve your goals efficiently and affordably.

  • Are you experiencing growing pains?

  • Are your staff members away on leave?

  • Do you need temporary assistance for a one-off project?

  • Do you experience spikes in workload that your current staff can't handle alone?

  • Have you recently faced unexpected staff turnover, resulting in a temporary gap in your team’s capacity?

Frankston Computer Care

We Tick All The Boxes

On site same day! Own vehicles! Complete Tool Kits! Own Laptops and Phones! Personable and well presented! Clear Police Checks!

Frankston Computer Care

Special Rates For MSPs, IT Businesses & Service Providers

No contracts, no on-going costs, and no head aches. As a business you will be invoiced up completion of work.

Feel free to give us a call, let's have a friendly chat and see how we can help your business reach new markets and demographics.

Frankston Computer Care

0448 525 905

Frankston Computer Care

© 2024 Frankston Computer Care - A.B.N. 56 749 178 926

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